Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Independence (aka loneliness)

Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported on Friday. [...]

People were not asked why they had fewer intimate ties, but Smith-Lovin said that part of the cause could be that Americans are working more, marrying later, having fewer children, and commuting longer distances.

Who wants to jump on the independence bandwagon??? As for me, no thanks...I'll keep "sacrificing myself" in order to maintain my "risky", interdependent familial and friendship relationships;o)


Blogger Amy said...

We moved almost two years ago and it is so hard to develop relationships with people. Everyone is so, so busy that when we try to have someone over it's just impossible to find a time that works. We've made some friends at our new church, but even then it's taking a long time to really get to know those people.

2:58 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...

Amy, I concur completely! I wish everyone wouldn't fill their lives up so much that there is no time to get to know them! My best friends are still the ones I've known for years and years. Since back when life was simpler:op

5:35 PM, June 28, 2006  

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