Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Have a great weekend!

Well, between internet problems and blogger problems, my attempts to post recently have been a major production! We're temporarily on a (veeerrrryyy slooooowwww) dial-up connection until our high-speed gets up again on Tuesday. I probably won't try to post anything more until then. I still have a lot to write about and comments to respond to. Thanks to my readers, once again, for taking your valuable time to read and share your thoughts! I hope that everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend! (Good luck to me and anyone else in the south, trying to find fun things to do that don't require much 1000-degree-outside exposure:o)


Blogger Amelia said...

Hi Erin, I just wanted to say Hello. I have been looking at your site for about a month now and I am enjoying it. I am a young wife of 5 years. I have a two year old daughter and a boy due in Sept. I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I really enjoy your site.


9:33 AM, June 13, 2006  

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