Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I thought nobody was visiting me anymore...

...but then I remembered that I had turned on my comment moderation last week when my internet crisis prompted an involuntary blog-fast:op I am relieved to know that my rather frequent absences of late have not run people off...everybody, anyway... ;o) Thanks, ya'll (or "you guys", for the benefit of my midwestern and northern readers), for sticking around!

That reminds me (*Warning: lengthy random musings to follow*) ...Micah and I were having a discussion yesterday about accents. I asked him if he thought I have a midwestern accent (thanks to being raised by parents from Ohio), or if any of the "southern belle" speech patterns you'll encounter with all these poofy-haired women down here who wear titanic pieces of jewelry and Mary Kay makeup have rubbed off on me. (Yes. I'm stereotyping. And it is accurate. Just visit a tearoom in Texas for lunch, or go to a ladies function at a church...preferably a Baptist one.) Micah answered me: "I think you have a small tinge of southern. You say 'y'all'!" I contended that my use of "y'all" is not exclusive. I also say "you guys" on a regular basis.

After a bit of consideration, I determined that "y'all" becomes most dominant in my speech when I am talking to the Southern Belle types, but "you guys" generally takes over when I am around members of either of our families (except for my sisters, who are similiarly or more southern-ified than I am). What do you know. Environment matters.

A few other ways in which growing up in Texas has corrupted me: I was raised to refer to coke and similiar fizzy drinks as "pop". That lasted until high school, when I worked at the afore-mentioned tearoom. Then I had to learn to say "soda" or those poor big-haired ladies wouldn't know what I was talking about. But that was better than referring to ALL types of soda as "coke", as many Texans do, for no good reason that I can think of. I guess it doesn't really matter anyway, since I don't drink the stuff anymore;o)

Texas habits almost caused me to die in an Ohio grocery store parking lot. You Texas, when there's a crossing area designated by yellow lines for the purpose of ushering people from the car section of the parking lot to the building, you can safely assume that people will slow down or stop for you if they see you starting across (considering that you have given them adequate space and time to do so). In other states it don't work that way! I discovered this when I almost got run over (more than once) by Buckeye State drivers who appeared to speed up when they saw me crossing ahead of them. I guess that up north, it is the pedestrian's duty to yield to the driver. Because, after all, the pedestrian already HAS his or her parking is the unfortunate driver who is still unsure that they will be so lucky. A little hot-rodding is understandable in a delicate situation like that!

Also, elsewhere, talking to strangers in stores is often seen as...well...strange--perhaps even suspicious. Not here! I went grocery shopping yesterday, and at least 4 fellow shoppers engaged me in conversation. I am still getting used to this again, after living in "less-talkative" places for a number of years. It's taking some time to lose the whole "lower-your-eyes-and-act-like-you-don't-see-the-person-beside-you" stance.

No: I don't wear cowgirl hats or boots or giant belt buckles. I couldn't really care less about football. I only listen to country music when I'm in a certain mood (and Micah's not around...he can't stand the stuff!). There are no cacti or tumbleweeds or oil wells in my front yard (for those of you who may have been misinformed by this impression previously). Not all Texans have guns. And I would say that the big-haired ladies are a minority. But it's still a unique experience to live in a place where spirit and courtesy run high, the barbeque and Mexican cuisine are FANTASTIC, and Christian and conservative societal influences haven't yet been completely eradicated. So, though I may be accused of that abominable Texas pride...I have to say that I'm glad to live in the greatest state (in my humble opinion) in our wonderful nation! Fireants and hurricanes and sweltering heat notwithstanding.

***I'm not trying to knock Ohio--I was born there, much of my family lives there, and I met my wonderful husband there--or any other state. But my partiality towards Texas is rather undeniable. I can only admit it and hope that you will pardon my prejudice:op


Blogger Cherish the Home said...

I'm glad you're back Erin....I've missed you very much!

I haven't lived in Texas in 16 years and yet I still consider myself a Texan!

And yes your generalizations were entirely accurate. I still say 'ya'll' and 'fixen'. And I used to refer to all softdrinks as 'Coke'. LOL

And it is my understanding that pedestrians are supposed to have the right-a-way everywhere.

7:06 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Samantha said...

I missed you as well! I'm glad your internet is working properly again-that can be sooo frustrating!

I always wished I had a southern accent, but instead I have the northwestern nasal pitch :) My dad lives in Georgia, so I really only notice it when I'm in the south. You are right about southern people being alot more gentle and friendly. The part about looking down and pretending you don't see people cracked me up! It's so sad, but true!

Hey, you can't choose where you are born, and I would say that Michigan is definately a wonderful place to live! God bless you, and welcome back!

9:51 PM, June 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back again Erin.

10:20 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Rhonda in Chile said...

Hi Erin!
I've checked your blog everyday to see if there was something new.....

I didn't grow up or live in Texas, but we spend a good deal of time there on Furlough. Texas is a big missionary-supporting state. I also had to take Texas state history in 7th grade (long story) I loved Texas state history!
I love the big-haired, bejewelled ladies and I love Mary Kay. And don't get me started on the Mexican food and the Barbecue!
Glad your back!

8:50 AM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog very much! I had to comment since I also was born in the Midwest but moved to Dallas at age 13. I have one foot in both cultures ~ and the cultures are VERY different! My folks have since left TX, and I have married and lived in other states, but I miss certain aspects of my life in TX. There were times of great trials during those years --but I see clearly in retrospect, how God used those years to mold and shape me. I enjoyed taking my children and husband back there this summer -- and showing them where I grew up. I never thought I would be back and it was really fantastic! (And I do still wear Mary Kay! ;)Blessings Dana

11:11 PM, June 23, 2006  
Blogger Mrs. D said...

I visited Texas for the first time about two years ago and spent a week with friends in Houston. I had so much fun! I'll try to remember some "special memories" regarding Texas and Texans, but right now I have to run! I'll be back :)

1:01 AM, June 27, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...

Thank you all!!! :o)

4:00 PM, June 27, 2006  

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