God is Good

~My thoughtful, wonderful husband of almost three years.
~The time I'm now getting to spend with my sister before she marries and returns with her husband to their home in the north.
~That I will soon get to meet my new (and only) brother!
~The time we will have with grandparents and other extended family members over the next couple of weeks.
~The opportunities I am having because of this wedding to serve others and take my focus off of myself. (Yes...I often have to ACTIVELY attempt not to focus on myself! Pretty sad, I know! I'm not a natural giver. If I have anything to offer others, it's TRULY evidence of God's working through me:op)
~God's grace. Without Him...I don't know where I would be.
Blog-friends, please forgive me if I am a flakey poster and comment-responder over the next couple of weeks as I go through this busy time! Know that I REALLY appreciate when you take the time to share your thoughts with me, even when I don't directly respond. You all are a blessing!
That's so great Erin! And it's TOTALLY understandable that your blog time will be limited.
I was just concerned because you said you were going through some 'hard things that made you feel like staying in bed' and then when you didn't update (like normal) I was getting a little concerned.
Now that I know you're o.k., just busy I won't worry about you! (o:
Blessings sweet girl!
~Mrs. B
It's all good.
I will stick around.
I am welcome after all.
I don't wanna impose.
I am Glad to know you are becomming a more generous person.
In fact, One can be too generous.
I myself am that type of person.
I tend to Over do. Especialy for people who don't appricate or really care.
Basicaly deaming me a walking mat.
My Husband does helps me avoid such situations.
Thank God for Husbands!!!
You have to find a happy medium.
In the Lord, that's for sure!
Does Ashley have an online registry?
I would love to buy her a wedding gift.
Mrs. B- Thanks! Yes...I'm still dealing with that issue...but thankfully I'm finding that being busy and trying to serve is a good remedy:o) Also, thinking of God's blessings to me. I have SO much to be thankful for!
Mother Bear- That's very kind of you! My sister would prefer, however, that I do not post or give out any identifying information about her on the internet, so I'm trying to honor that. Thanks, anyway, for the thought.
A Dear Friend's son, Judah, left us to be with the Lord.
Please visit Beth's site and send words of healing and comfort unto her
Congratulations to your sister! This is an important time for you and your family, which certainly takes priority over blogging :)
Also, I meant to comment on your previous post (regarding "the fly"), but my computer had some technical difficulties. I'm not sure exactly what you're going through, but I have had many days like this (where I'm so gloomy that I can't get myself moving). Your personality reminds me alot of mine. Especially the "perfectionist" aspect of it. Anyways, you are definately in my prayers. Enjoy this special time, and we'll look forward to hearing from you soon!
You are one busy gal! Take the opportunity to enjoy every moment with your family. Don't worry about not posting regularly...we'll still be here when you come back! :o)
Blessings on you and your sweet sister during this exciting time in your lives!
In His joy,
Mrs. Wilt
Thank you, Samantha and Mrs. Wilt, for your sweet words! It's been a very good kind of busy over the past few days:o)
Samantha, I'm glad to know that someone else understands the whole perfectionist struggle...and the other struggles I wrote about! I mean...I'm not glad that other people HAVE these similar struggles, but it's nice to be able to relate with others in them sometimes:o)
Mother Bear, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.
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