Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Friday, September 16, 2005

More on homeschooling and the entrepreneurial lifestyle

What do you mean by entrepreneurial lifestyle? I think homeschooling is very important. However, for highschool, I will seek out a Christian school for my son. It is important for Christians to keep up with the times and technology because our economy is becoming more and more tech oriented and less manufacturing. Christian men need to learn these skills to support their families and obtain steady jobs. I don't agree that homeschooling children are more conditoned to work in a specific area. My cousin is going to be a software programmer. He was homeschooled and was programming at age 10 in the C language. He has recently taught himself JAVA. My other cousin is in college studying to be an engineer. You can also have a very good family atmosphere by working outside of the home. My dad is a programmer and drove an hour to work everday. We had an excellent family life. My brother-in-law is a carpenter and he spends less time with his family than my dad did because of his workload. Times are changing and so are the jobs in this country. If homeschoolers are not prepared (which I don't think is true)for the job force that is a bad thing. My father would not have let me get involved with any man who was not able to support me or who had a dependable, reliable job. My husband has a job that takes him an hour away. He works in a cubicle and most of the people he works with are in California, Arizona, and India. The company's benefits are excellent and I don't have to earn any income on the side. I am very proud of my husband for providing so well. But, I am troubled that I see this kind of job discouraged by fellow homeschoolers. If homeschoolers truly lack the skills that will enable them to get good jobs as adults we have a serious problem. That is my thought. Maybe I didn't understand the post. BTW, I do wish that we lived off the land more and could spend more time with family. My father was a gentleman farmer and, I know, he would have loved to just farm. (He was raised on a dairy farm in Vt.)However, it is not the norm for families to have farms and live off them completely. The workforce has changed and we need to adapt. OK I'm done.-Zan

Zan, thanks for your comments! They made me realize, though, that perhaps I should clarify a few of my points.

For a couple years now, my husband and I have both been students of business and entrepreneurialism. We've read tons of books on the subjects, and researched into a whole bunch of different business models. In addition, my husband's college degree is in business management.

Entrepreneurialism--especially these days--does not just encompass farming and the trades as it once did. In fact, I believe that most entrepreneurs today fall into the information, techology and service sectors. Entrepreneurialism doesn't have to mean that there isn't a workplace away from the home--there might or might not be depending on the business.

Entrepreneurialism is a venture (starting your own business), but it is also a mindset. Entrepreneurs are a unique breed that love to be independent. They might feel stifled (me!:o) as an employee and feel the overwhelming motivation to work for themselves. They also might be drawn to the fact that when you work for yourself, you can better determine your own schedule (if you are disciplined to do so). Entreprenurialism can be very family-friendly if you pick the right business and maintain standards of "family first." My vision of owning a business is that my future children will be included in it to some about a worthy education!

My point about homeschoolers is, that most of us have been raised to be more independent workers, simply through the conditioning of our independent learning. We are natural entrepreneurs. It's not that we CAN'T join the traditional workforce and do well...we don't want to!

For those that enjoy working as employees, more power to them. There's nothing bad or second-class about that! My dad has been an employee with the same company for almost 30 years, and for the most part, likes his work. He does it well. He is also one who always made an effort to put his family first--even turning down promotions that would have interefered with his work-family balance. For me, however, working as an employee is not a long-term option because of my own disposition and aspirations, and I suspect that being homeschooled might have influenced that:o)

P.S. Interestingly enough, my dad told me a couple weeks ago that he has taken an entrepreneurial approach with his job and believes that's why he's been as successful as he is. He doesn't just sit around waiting to be told what to do! He manages his own career, for example: taking the initiative to get the new training and skills he believes might prove beneficial to him. So he is an excellent example of the entrepreneurial mindset, even though he works for a corporation.


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