Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Maybe you shouldn't homeschool if... want your child to aspire towards participating in the traditional workforce! What I'm going to say here is simply my own opinion based on my own experience, and will probably include some amount of generalization. But if you think it through, it makes a lot of sense on a larger scale.

  1. The homeschooling method of education does not acclimate children to “busy work”. When the child is done studying for the day, he is free to go pursue his other interests. This does not happen in a traditional school setting, where kids must be corralled and contained.
  2. Successful homeschooling seeks to foster a sense of independence and personal responsibility within the child. Many homeschooling parents hold their child partially responsible for his own learning (though guidance/instruction is and certainly should be given)
  3. Homeschooled Children become used to operating within a family structure. Families work together and play together.
  4. What in homeschooling prepares the student for "office politics"?

Parents bringing their children up using to these "radical methods" should not expect them to thrive in an (in my opinion) unnatural environment, where everybody sits in little square boxes (my dad refers to his cubicle at work as his "anti-productivity pod":o), completely segregated from his or her family structure, and these days, surrounded by artificial substitutes for fellow human intelligence (computers and other technology...which I am not against at all BTW...unless it is used where actual human interaction should be present)

Now most homeschooled students will perform just fine--if not wonderfully--in the workplace. This is an issue of contentment, not abilities. Homeschooled students are simply not conditioned to be content with the traditional workplace. If you look closely at the way homeschooled children are typically raised, you'll see that they are overwhelmingly conditioned to become ENTREPRENEURS, especially of a type that seriously seeks to integrate family and work life. Look back through the centuries! This is how it has been for most of that time: Children were raised and educated within the home. Families worked together: husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. Is our culture's current model better--with every single person in the family spending hours a day traveling to a different location to pass the day in a segregated and unnatural (non-homey, I might add) environment? I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it.

I think, as the first-fruits of the modern homeschooling movement are beginning their own careers and families, we're going to see many of them gravitating toward an entrepreneurial lifestyle. I know that's what I want.


Blogger Jes said...

I've noticed that about the kids who homeschool across the street...compared to the other kids...real different.

Although I KNOW I won't be able to full-time homeschool, it brings excellent reference as to how I will raise my children otherwise.

5:14 PM, September 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean by entrepreneurial lifestyle? I think homeschooling is very important. However, for highschool, I will seek out a Christian school for my son. It is important for Christians to keep up with the times and technology because our economy is becoming more and more tech oriented and less manufacturing. Christian men need to learn these skills to support their families and obtain steady jobs. I don't agree that homeschooling children are more conditoned to work in a specific area. My cousin is going to be a software programmer. He was homeschooled and was programming at age 10 in the C language. He has recently taught himself JAVA. My other cousin is in college studying to be an engineer. You can also have a very good family atmosphere by working outside of the home. My dad is a programmer and drove an hour to work everday. We had an excellent family life. My brother-in-law is a carpenter and he spends less time with his family than my dad did because of his workload. Times are changing and so are the jobs in this country. If homeschoolers are not prepared (which I don't think is true)for the job force that is a bad thing. My father would not have let me get involved with any man who was not able to support me or who had a dependable, reliable job. My husband has a job that takes him an hour away. He works in a cubicle and most of the people he works with are in California, Arizona, and India. The company's benefits are excellent and I don't have to earn any income on the side. I am very proud of my husband for providing so well. But, I am troubled that I see this kind of job discouraged by fellow homeschoolers. If homeschoolers truly lack the skills that will enable them to get good jobs as adults we have a serious problem. That is my thought. Maybe I didn't understand the post. BTW, I do wish that we lived off the land more and could spend more time with family. My father was a gentleman farmer and, I know, he would have loved to just farm. (He was raised on a dairy farm in Vt.)However, it is not the norm for families to have farms and live off them completely. The workforce has changed and we need to adapt. OK I'm done.

10:55 AM, September 16, 2005  
Blogger Erin said...

Hi Zan!
I posted a response to your comments on my blog main page if you're interested:o)

6:19 PM, September 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Erin I don't mean to insult you and I don't know you and for the record I was not homschooled. Not only did you generalize but your post reflects that you were definantly schooled "in the box." Children who are told what to do all day everyday are prepared for doing anything other than that. As an employere I continue to find it annoying when my emplyees have to be told every little thing. My absolute best workers eitehr had a private education, homeschooled or private, or were raised in a family with good work ethics. I asssure you that school will in fact train an adult to be "in the box" but it does not reach them to aspire and advance. (On hte side note teh ones that have to be told every little thing don't have to be paid as much.) :)

4:18 PM, August 05, 2010  

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