Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Our Parents

Micah's Parents
They have been married for over thirty years, and have been Micah's inspiration for what marriage should be. As missionaries and church planters in Venezuela, Ohio and Arizona, they have always worked together in ministry and in raising their family. When I watch them together as a couple, I can tell that they love one another deeply and really truly enjoy spending time together. We have not been around Micah's family very much during our short marriage this far, but I look forward to spending more time in the future with his parents as we can. I owe them greatly...for their gift to me of a wonderful husband:o)

My parents, at their marriage in 1979
Twenty-six years and counting! My parents have a marriage that is worth emulating. It has been a great blessing to me and my sisters, and a great example for us to aspire to. My parents just love to be together. They have worked very hard during the past almost-three decades to always make time for each other, to always talk and make decisions together, and to show great respect for each other in everything. They always told us, "when we married, we decided that divorce was not an option." So if things weren't always going great? Well, they were stuck with each other, so they knew it would be in their best interest to work the problems out!
I owe my vision of marriage as a sacred blessing to my parents.


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