Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Life Happenings

I haven't written much about my personal life on this blog so far, but I now feel the need for a bit of an outlet. In the past week, we found and signed a lease on our new rental home, which we will be moving into in two weeks. I also was offered and accepted a job, and started work yesterday. It has been an extremely busy time, and I'm glad for this weekend to hopefully rest up a bit!

I have been without an full-time outside job for several months now, but extenuating financial circumstances are forcing me back into the work-place at least temporarily. Eventually, Micah and I want to begin a small business that I can run from home. But these things take time to start up. So in the meantime, I must tackle the dilemma of how to remain home-centered (which is my heart) and accomplish all of the domestic-y things I like to do, while I'm working away from home most of the day. I tried to do this before while at my last job and never quite figured it out. I suppose the answer is that this situation isn't ideal, and I cannot do everything I wish to do. But I must prioritize and do what I can. And pray that God will give me strength.

We are extremely excited about our new home, as we have been living in a temporary situation with most of our things in storage for about the past six months. A move, unemployment, and some financial difficulties have added a lot to our stresses during this time. But God has now provided my husband with a promising new job, and He has provided a way for me to help out while Micah is undergoing all the necessary training and certifications for his career, which is not yet earning anywhere close to its full potential. I think God is using these experiences to teach me patience, thankfulness and contentment. He knows these are some of my weakest virtues, and He knows how to induce me to practice them!

When Micah and I married almost two years ago, we promised that we would be here for each other "for richer or poorer" and "for better or worse." I can honestly say that these past several months have been for poorer and for worse, as far as our situation! But Micah has been there for his wife, no matter how stressed, moody, or whatever I have been. He has been way more loving than I have always deserved. We have both been beaten down by life recently, but Micah's spirit has not been crushed. And now I want to be standing there with him as we seek to pick up the pieces and work at building a beautiful life together. I sense that much more refining is still in the works for me! But if this past week is any indication, so are God's rich blessings. Thank you, God, for your provision...and help me to be what my husband needs during this time.


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