Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Maybe it's better to be ignorant...

Is ignorance really bliss? I'm starting to think that in the subject of food quality it might be:o)

The more I learn about food nutrition, the more I am grossed out by the imposters in the superstore. The problem is, GOOD food is definitely more expensive and harder to procure. How far should I go, keeping in mind that I'm supposed to help Micah be a good steward of what God has given us and to get out of debt?

On the other hand, good nutrition is an investment in our health, and could help prevent any number of expensive and miserable health conditions later in life. Also, if more people demanded it, it might become more regularly available. Demand drives supply (or something like that:o).

Anyway...just throwing these ideas out there for what they're worth. I'm still in the process of figuring out where--and where not--to compromise.


Blogger Carrie said...

Wow, Erin! These last few posts about food and menu planning have been really inspiring! It's made me want to do better at planning both suppers and lunches . . . and keeping a few more breakfast things on hand, such as fresh fruits and homemade muffins. You have some really creative ideas here; thanks for sharing. Oh, and that article about milk was really scary! I think I'll have to look around for a local source of farm fresh milk, if hubby agrees . . . there weren't any listed in our area on the site, but I'm sure there must be a local source somewhere around here.

You are right; sometimes it seems that ignorance is bliss where food is concerned--I try to cook mostly from scratch now, and as I learn about various concerns, then do what I can to change little areas at a time in our eating habits. The more I find out about what icky things are in our food (esp. pre-packaged stuff) the more overwhelming it is. :(

11:13 AM, March 28, 2006  
Blogger Cherish the Home said...

I've read, too, that men shouldn't consume very much soy because soy has estrogen and can cause hormonal problems in men.

I'm sure if we knew everything, we wouldn't eat.

For instance, commercial chickens eat their own waste. Eewww!! My aunt won't eat chicken anymore.

Most fish is full of mercury.

It's disturbing but I don't really know what the solution would be.

11:57 AM, March 28, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...

Carrie, I think your approach of "little by little" is good. Taking baby steps, to help it all be not so overwhelming:o)

Mrs. B- I'm just now starting to learn about some of the controversy surrounding soy. I never realized before that it could be dangerous (though I haven't ever used it very much!). Last night I read some of the information on this website about the problems with soy for both men and women:

When I think about it, it really makes sense that staying as close to natural as possible would be the healthiest in most cases. God must have known what he was doing! It makes sense that pumping unnatural chemicals into foods and unnaturally processing nearly everything we eat is unhealthy.

12:30 PM, March 28, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...

I am a complete ignoramous about gardening. I have finally gotten to the place where I am actually remembering to water my houseplants and potted plants on the porch, and that's a big step up for me!:o)

But this is something that I WOULD love to learn about. Since we're currently renting our home, I'm not going to plant an all-out garden. But I am very interested in at least having some potted herbs and things. I will probably study into this soon.

Your comment about buying seasonally and locally is definitely what we are hoping to do! I've always been used to buying whatever I need for various recipes without considering seasons, but once I thought about it I realized how much BETTER everything tastes in season, not to mention that it's often cheaper that way!

I love the idea of becoming more self-reliant and living healthier through a bit of urban homesteading.

I love that too! Also, great point about making money off some of our home health pursuits! If we're already doing it for ourselves, it's very easy to produce extra of [whatever].

4:38 PM, March 29, 2006  

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