Reflections on life, marriage, and a young woman who is constantly learning how much there will always be to learn!

Monday, March 27, 2006


Ok, I might as well round out my "Menu Planning" blog day with Breakfast:o)

We haven't really been eating breakfast very often, but I'm trying to change that. I asked Micah if we could plan to get up together in the mornings and have about an hour together for breakfast and Quiet Time before we get started on our days. He seemed to like that idea too!

Therefore, I will plan to make a batch of muffins every week. We will supplement or alternate these with some of the following:

Hot cereal: Oatmeal, Breakfast rice or Cream of [grain]
Homemade granola

Fresh Fruit or Fruit Smoothies

Hard-boiled eggs
Homemade yogurt ( I don't make this yet, but have been researching it and am planning to start!)


Blogger Magistra Mommy said...

Mmmm...breakfast sounds so yummy at your house! Eating breakfast is something I need to resolve to do. What a wonderful idea to spend an hour with your husband at the beginning of each day!

7:30 PM, March 27, 2006  

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