Our Home - Living/Dining Area
During cold spells, we use the fireplace a lot to help heat the living room. We bought the fireplace set at a garage sale for $10. That might seem high for a garage sale, but these are super-solid, heavy iron! I'd been looking for some for a while and had only found much cheaper-made ones for $30 and up.
The jar of dried rose petals sitting on the hearth are all from roses Micah's given me. Yes, I'm sentimental:o) Oh...and sorry to the people who hate carnations (my sister's one of them), but you can't beat the price! I just love having cheery, fresh flowers on my table!
Your living room looks so cozy!
You're right, you can't beat carnations for the price :) And fresh flowers add so much to a home. PLUS, you can dye white carnations any color you like so they're totally a good flower to buy!
I just found your site today and I agree with so many things you write about, especially homemaking. I'm really enjoying your posts. I LOVE the photos of your home; it's lovely!!
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